A fountain of life was in him, for his life is light for all humanity.
John 1:4 TPT
It is important to note that John used the word life (zoe) thirty-seven times in his gospel to buttress the importance of the life of God given to man.
In our opening scripture, the Aramaic rendering puts it this way: “In him were lives” (plural)-not only
multiple human lives, but also spiritual life, eternal life, and life in every form.
In Him we have a fountain of spiritual, physical, and every form of life. This life is the product of good health. It is the product of spiritual alertness; being sensitive to every attack from the devil and his demons. It is by this life you succeed and progress on earth.
“Zoe,” is the Life of God; incorruptible, inexhaustable, unending, unfailing, undying, and eternal. The child of God possess this life in its fullness. Hallelujah!
If there’s anything or organ dying in your body, you can put this life to work by simply speaking words of life. The bible says” if the spirit of God that raise Christ up from the grave lives in you, that same spirit shall quicken, make alive your mortal body” hallelujah!
We have this treasure in earthen vessels, what a great privilege.
Speak to your bones for they hear. Speak to your heart, your kidney, speak life to any failing organ and it will become as you have spoken. Glory to God.
Never forget this, you have become a fountain of life. Praise God!
I have the incorruptible and ever increasing life of God.
By this life I live, move, and have my being.
There’s no dryness in my life, no deadness in or around me. I’m a fountain of life and I live forever. Hallelujah!
(Reality Digest was written by Apostle Panebi Wilson – Lead Pastor, Grace Reality Centre.)
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