When you study or hear the word of God, do so with an attitude of hearing and receiving what it says. These attitudes will cause you to be productive in all you do.
You have a higher life in Christ Jesus and this life was given to you, at the resurrection. Glory to God. This is why Jesus died. He died to redeem us from sin, it’s power and it’s effect. hallelujah!
In the beginning of the ministry Jesus, He met twelve people and told them to follow Him. He had a ministry to fulfill and needed to walk with people and so he called the first twelve. He said, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”
Words are powerful as they have the potential to lift or pull down the spirit of a person. The word “grace” in our opening text is translated, “compassion” from the Aramaic rendering. Jesus always spoke with compassion which preceded many of His recoded miracles.
Service to God is beyond words, as It is more in deeds than in words. There are many who say they serve God but do so on their own terms. They tell you going to church, is not necessary, as they can serve God in their homes. Giving to God through tithes and offerings is only done at their convenience as it is not necessary.
Don’t be carried away by the success or seeming success of someone else. The success of another person doesn’t mean you are failing. Don’t measure yourself with your colleagues. Measure yourself with what God is doing in your life.
Jesus says, “anything is possible to the one who believes.” You can come out of any challenge, you can be a success from day to day, and you can live a continuous joyful life. It begins from the place of your mind.
Peace is a gift from God, given to His children. It’s the peace the world, cannot comprehend. It’s a state of tranquility, in the midst of chaos. It's a state of courage, in the presence of fear. It is the God’s kind of peace.
Salvation is a gift from God however, not many are aware of this gift and this is because not many Christian’s are willing to go out of their way to tell someone about it. You are God’s preacher child of God;
We are called lights, to give direction to those in the world. To show them the paths that leads to everlasting peace, joy, and happiness which is Christ Jesus.