The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10 NIV
Christianity is not a religion, those who call it a religion probably do not understand Christianity.
Christianity is the life of Christ. It’s the pulsating life of God we have in Christ.
It is the will of God that all should have and live this life, but how can you know the will of God, if you don’t know His word. The bible says, “In Him was life and this life is the light of men.” The power to live this life is upon anyone who by virtue of receiving Christ have come unto sonship. This life, is given to sons of God and to be a son of God is to be born again. To be born again is to be born by God, through the word. To be born by the word is to believe in Christ Jesus and to accept Him as Lord over your life.
Hebrews 13:8
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.
What He did in the bible days, He is still doing today. If anyone calls on the name of the Lord, they shall be saved and given this life;This incorruptible life.
We have a life and a future in Christ Jesus however you can only know this through the insight of the Holy Spirit. When you study the word of God, the revelation of the Holy Spirit helps your understanding otherwise your understanding will be so mundane. Man is a spirit, and God is a spirit. His word is spirit also. So, to grasp the things of the spirit, you need the help of the Holy Spirit to communicate to you the things of the spirit.
In Christ Jesus, you have been given a glorified life. You have become an effulgence of the glory of God. You should no longer live an ordinary life and this is the truth. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life the bible says, and if you believe in Him, your life will reflect His ways, you will become His truth, and you will live by His life.
This life is available and is possible. You can live an excellent and glorious life because it is in the will of God concerning you. Walk by this truth, fully believe it, never doubt the will of God for your life for in Him, you have received His life. Hallelujah.
I am of God, I have received His life.
By this life I live, move and have my been.
There’s no darkness in me because His life is my light. My heart, paths and all my concerns are lighted by the life of Christ therefore, the operations of darkness has no footprints in my life anymore.
I declare, I’m alive unto God.
Glory to God forever.
(Reality Digest was written by Apostle Panebi Wilson – Lead Pastor, Grace Reality Centre.)
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