Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
John 17:17 KJV
The Greek hagiazō is what is translated Sanctify in this text. It means to make holy; that is, to ceremonially purify or consecrate or to make ready to use.
Jesus was praying to the Father concerning His disciples who had believed in Him and for those who would believe after them, that they be made sanctified and made ready for the work ahead by the truth of His word.
This is important because without the word, there is no truth and if there is no truth, there’s no sanctification which means, you can’t be ready for every good work. God’s word is not trending, it is Truth. Trending means something or someone is currently popular or widely discussed on print media, online, especially on social media. The word of God is eternal, and lives forever.
Something can be trending and not true. Something can be trending yet, lifeless. There are many who go for what’s trending even in the church and fail to find out if it’s true. They pray in a certain way, talk in a certain way, act in a certain way because that’s what’s trending, especially when it’s from big religious names whom they have perceived to be producing results. That it produced results doesn’t mean it’s true rather does it mean God approves of it.
The words and ways of God as seen displayed by Christ Jesus should be the hallmark of every child of God. We are to imitate Jesus in all things. Jesus never prayed for his enemies to die by fire. In fact, we heard Him say bless those who curse you, Forgive those who wrong you and we also heard Him pray on the cross for the forgiveness of those killing Him.
Jesus never asked us to plead his blood for protection. Pleading the blood of Jesus has no clear basis in Scripture. No one in the Bible ever “pleads the blood” of Christ. Those who “plead the blood” often do so as if there were something magical in those words or as if by using them, their prayer will become more powerful. This teaching is born from a misguided view of prayer that prayer is a way of manipulating God to get what we want rather than praying for His will to be done.
The blood was shed not for covering the road before your journey, nor the food before you eat, or the house before you sleep. The blood is not for covering but for the remission of sins: the complete purification and sanctification of mankind. Jesus said pray in my name. In my name you shall cast out devils, whatsoever you shall ask the father in my name, He will do it, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved. Pray in His name beloved.
The name of the Lord is all powerful and is sufficient for you. The name of the Lord is the access to the Father. When you pray in His name, you are sanctified, purified, protected and accepted. The name of the Lord is your defence and hiding place. Stop practicing trending errors and start living like Jesus. Hallelujah!
Thank you Father for giving me the name of Jesus Christ by which I have access to you. In the name of Jesus Christ. I have obtained mercy, provision, protection, salvation, forgiveness, and unlimited grace. Today,, I declare I am complete in all things. Hallelujah!
(Reality Digest was written by Apostle Panebi Wilson – Lead Pastor, Grace Reality Centre.)
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