If the Lord Yahweh rescued Lot, he knows how to continually rescue the godly from their trials and to reserve the ungodly for punishment on the day of judgment.
2 Peter 2:9 TPT
We are living in a sinful world among sinful people. The world we know today will come to an end and will be destroyed. Because of the negative impact of sin in the world which God created, there’s now a need for a recreation so that the original plan of God can be reestablished.
God Will destroy this world, but He wants to get His people out of it first. In the days of Lot, their city became an offence before God because of the magnitude of sinful atrocities committed by them. Today however, you can agree that the sinful atrocities committed all over the world must have become more than what Sodom and Gomorrah ever committed so, think about what God might be thinking now.
Like Lot and his family, God wants to rescue you. He wants to get you out before the day of destruction because, He will only rescue those who are His; those who believe in Jesus Christ, and accepts Him as Lord. Believe it or not, that day will come and it’s is very near.
You too, can be saved from the coming destruction. Believe in Jesus and confess His Lordship over your life, and you’ll be saved.
Are you going through trails even as a believer? You will be rescued: God is able to save and deliver you from all trials and afflictions because you belong to Him. He takes care of His own___He will take care of you. Hallelujah!
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of salvation I have in Christ Jesus. I look forward to the day you’d redeem me out of this sinful world, into your glorious kingdom to be with you forever. Amen!
(Reality Digest was written by Apostle Panebi Wilson – Lead Pastor, Grace Reality Centre.)
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