Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is valuable in every way, because it promises life both for the present and for the future.
1 Timothy 4:8 GNTA.
Man is a spirit, he has a soul, and lives in a body. Man is not the physical body; the body is only a house; a container.
To fulfill your divine destiny, you have to learn how to control your body by your spirit because, God communicates to you through your spirit and it’s by your spirit, you put to death the deeds of the flesh.
Proverbs 20:27 KJV says, “The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, Searching all the inward parts of the belly.” What this is talking about here is the spirit you received, after you became born again. This spirit, is the spirit God breathed into you, and like a living lamp___ a shining light, it searches into the innermost chamber of your being. It gives you a new conscience, and with this new conscience, you control your body. Glory to God!
Just as the body needs physical exercise to function properly, your new spirit needs to be exercised also in other to properly guide and direct your body. You can sustain your health both mentally and physically, by your spirit. Proverbs 18:14 AMPC says, “The strong spirit of a man sustains him in bodily pain or trouble…” When you have a strong spirit, you can by your spirit, come out of sickness, pain and out of any trouble.
Paul said, “I serve God with my spirit,” to speak further on the importance of the spirit of a man. To be effective in serving the Lord, you must do so with your spirit but if your spirit isn’t well trained, then a lot can go wrong. The spirit might be willing, but if not well trained, it may not have enough capacity to move the body towards the direction of serving God.
Weakness and sickness are a result of a weak spirit which is why, we are admonished in Romans 12:2 “to not be conformed to this world, rather we should be transformed by the renewing of our minds.” The body can easily conform to bad habits if not tamed.
The mind is your spirit brain box and if not renewed constantly, it will keep transmitting old data to the body. To exercise your spirit, you must deliberately give yourself to the study of the word, to prayer, and to fellowship. This has to be done to achieve the required spiritual strength to withstand whatever the devil throws at you.
Take out time daily to study and meditate on the word of God, practice it, and you will see that in no distant time, your body will align and function by the new information that has been transmitted into your spirit. Hallelujah!
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for by your word, I am transformed into your express image. I declare my spirit is strengthened by your word and it is effecting tangible changes in my body, to the praise and glory of your name, in Jesus Christ’s name I pray, Amen.
(Reality Digest was written by Apostle Panebi Wilson – Lead Pastor, Grace Reality Centre.)
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