To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne.
Revelation 3:21 KJV
God wants you to be victorious at all times. A Victor is one who wins, one who has overcome, is a champion over circumstances, and has gained mastery over the challenges of life. He is a conqueror. Praise God!
Jesus said “ the one who conquers; who is a champion, who wins, who overcomes, who is victorious” will seat with Him. This means that the one who will have the honour of sitting with Him, is someone who continually, repeatedly, and habitually conquers. It’s not a one time win kind of person; not someone whose life is full of ups and downs, but one whose life’s experience is from glory to glory; an ever increasing glory life.
What appears to be a challenge to those in the world, is an opportunity to express faith for the child of God. So the child of God does not have a challenge rather, he is presented with an opportunity to put faith to work and when faith is put to work, it produces victory. Glory to God.
No one talks about the one who doesn’t win: everyone is interested in the winner and that is why Jesus wants you to win so you can seat with Him, just as He also won, and is seated on the throne. The seat on the throne is for champions, those who continually overcame, who perpetually won and habitually walked in victory.
In other to be this person that will have a seat on the throne, you must be Christ conscious. Without this consciousness, you can’t win. Jesus said “win just as He won.” Your mind must be filled with the Winning Jesus so that you too can win like He did. Your mental picture of Christ will empower you to function like Him. The one who succeeds and the one who fails have one tool they both utilized and it’s their mental picture.
The one who succeeded had a mental picture of succeeding no matter what while the other didn’t. They are the ones who are filled with “ What if’s.”
David went into the battle filed with the mental picture of feeding Goliath to the birds and with that consciousness, he fought without an iota of fear, and defeated Goliath.
Having the consciousness of Christ is having the winner consciousness. Christ never lost. Scripture says, “He disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross” Colossians 2:15
Jesus, before going to the cross, spoke about it: He told everyone He was going to die on the cross and was going to defeat the devil in hell, will rise again, and He did all that He said. This is the one you must be conscious of____The victorious Jesus. Hallelujah!
Be Christ conscious, be victory conscious and you will continually live an ever increasing glorious life. Praise God!
I have an ever increasing glorious life in Christ Jesus. I born to win; I win every day.
I have overcome this world, I walk in power and in authority because the greater one lives in me.
I’m a champion, I walk in perpetual victory. Glory to God!
(Reality Digest was written by Apostle Panebi Wilson – Lead Pastor, Grace Reality Centre.)
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