That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.
Philemon 1:6 KJV
Scripture says in Psalm 107:2-3, “Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, Whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy; And gathered them out of the lands, from the east, and from the west, From the north, and from the south.” Your communication reflects either your believe in the word of God or your unbelief. What you say in times of uncertainty, adversity, or in any kind of trouble unveils the innermost part of your heart.
As a man thinks, so is his communication. If your thought is filled with the word of God, you will communicate faith; for faith is a mindset that produces a language.
The Bible contains the gospel (good news) of Christ’s redemptive work for us all. We have been redeemed from the powers and limitations of the powers of darkness and we now live in the freedom and marvelous light of God.
We are no longer slaves to fear and to death, for Christ has redeemed us from the curse of sin and of death. The word of God is our compass for faith. It gives us direction to build our faith which then influences our language.
So, when situations of fear and of death arises, how you communicate indicates your faith in the word of God. Choose to believe in the word of God and to live by it. Your new creation live came to be by the word of God and as such, you can only live by it. Let the word of God dwell in you richly in all wisdom for this is how you navigate in the affairs of life here on earth.
Your faith language is the acknowledging of every good thing that Christ has given to you irrespective of the present unpleasant situation. Faith does not work by the principles of seen things rather, it functions by the principles of believing the word of God to be true.
When you feel sick in your body, speak the word of God; declare what it says concerning your health. When in need of finances, use the word of God. The word of God in your spirit builds a mentality of abundance. Jesus never had the mentality of lack even when it was evident to all that there was not enough food to feed over five thousand people. He knew He was the word and that was enough to produce result.
Like Jesus, you have become the word for He lives in you. Stop coming to God like one who lacks His help and mercy for you have been helped from the very day Jesus died on the cross for your sins and His mercy has been given by the shedding of His blood. Hallelujah!
Communicate your faith which is based on the word of God for it is true. Uphold it, let it be true in your life and everything else a lie. Don’t acknowledge what God hasn’t given to you rather, acknowledge every good thing which is in you in Christ for this is what activates the word of God in your life. Acknowledge His help, His mercy, His forgiveness, His healing, His provision, and His love. Glory to God.
By faith in God and in His word, I declare I am healed and helped by God. I declare I function in the overflowing and unending mercies of God.
I refuse to be sick, I refuse to be in lack, I refuse to live in Fear for Christ is my light and my salvation. Hallelujah!
(Reality Digest was written by Apostle Panebi Wilson – Lead Pastor, Grace Reality Centre.)
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