Then Mary said, “[a]Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.” And the angel left her.
Luke 1:38 AMP
Whenever you read the word of God contained in the bible, it is important to note that at that moment, the manifest presence of God is present with you to act according to your response.
Mary had a visitation by the Angel of God with a message that was not just going to transform her life, but also that of the whole world. At that time, It didn’t make sense to her that being a virgin, she could conceive, and give birth to a child without the canal influence of a man. It was not only strange but was also going to be embarrassing.
How was she going to explain to people that she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit? Joseph on the other hand upon hearing that his fiancée was pregnant, and not by him, wanted to secretly end the relationship because he wasn’t ready for such embarrassment. You would have done same too if placed in same situation.
It’s not different from what you encounter today. There have been times you know you heard God speak to you concerning a matter and for fear of the embarrassment or of what people will say, you silenced the voice of God. Like Mary, you couldn’t fathom the possibility of what God has said to be accomplished in your life haven factored all the available facts before you.
How can a virgin become pregnant without a man? how can a woman have kids after menopause?
That woman’s womb was taken out when she was young, the other one has been declared barren, how can you now tell me that she took in, carried the baby in her womb and now has put to bed? Just How?
How can a person who didn’t go to school, now become a billionaire? How? Just how can the man who was born blind now suddenly see? In fact you saw the diagnosis of that man, and it was confirmed he had 5 days to live, how is it possible that he has live for another 10 years and is still looking healthier than you? Just how?
With men things might look impossible but with God, all things are possible.
Has God spoken to you about you health, your relationship, you job, your business, your children and ministry? It may not make sense, but if you can believe His word and respond like Mary, you will see the manifestation.
You might also say you haven’t heard God speak to you, but I say, this is God speaking to you now. He speaks to you through his word. Receive His word and run with it today.
Say to the Lord, “Be it unto me, according to your word.” Glory to God.
Father Lord in the name of Jesus Christ, I thank you for your word to me. I refuse to fear but to wholeheartedly trust and respond to your will for my life and destiny. Amen.
(Reality Digest was written by Apostle Panebi Wilson – Lead Pastor, Grace Reality Centre.)
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