And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
Romans 8:10 KJV
The whole essence of the coming of Jesus Christ was to give us life. Sin produced death into the DNA of humanity that’s why from the day you were born into this world, you were born into sin. No one taught you how to lie as a baby, you just lied when the opportunity presented itself and this is because of the sin nature that came on you the day you were born.
Man was created to live forever without sickness, worries, or troubles. None of his body organs were created to fail or expire however, death gained dominance through sin and brought about the failing health of many. Thank God Jesus came! Glory hallelujah. He came to restore to mankind that which was stolen; the power to live a healthy life and the power over sin and death.
What does our opening verse mean? It says if Christ lives in you, even though your natural body may have been dead because of sin, even though your health may have been affected as a result of sin, if Christ lives in you, by His righteousness which you now have, you shall be healed, you shall live! Hallelujah. You have to believe this gospel beloved, for it is your truth and it’s simple. If you were condemned to death because of sin, how much more now you have the righteousness of God? You have been justified to live forever because of the righteousness of Christ.
This is why you must refuse allergies, sicknesses, diseases, depression, and resist all fears. You are no longer the person condemned to death, whose health should continue to fail; you are the one justified by the blood of the lamb, who now has the life of God.
The day you received Christ, the old you died and you became a new creation. What this means is, you are now born of God and if born of God, what can’t affect, infect or kill God, cannot infect, affect or kill you. Praise God!
Maybe you are sick in your body or have this ailment that has lingered, here’s what the bible says concerning you. “And if the Spirit of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, [then] He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also restore to life your mortal (short-lived, perishable) bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you.” Romans 8:11 AMPC.
God is in charge of your body because, He now dwells in you. And if He dwells in you, His spirit goes through your whole body to revive you. The spirit of God been programmed to restore life to any failing organ in your body; That is why your sight cannot fail, your heart can not pack up, your kidneys cannot brake down, your lunges cannot shutdown, and your bones cannot be weak because, His spirit restores you. Hallelujah!
Until you recognize the Holy Ghost, you may not experience His work in your life. There are many who don’t believe in the Holy Ghost and that’s why they can never experience His manifestation in their lives. Same goes to those who believe and have not received Him into their life. You receive the Holy Ghost by faith just as you received salvation. You can simple say, Dear Holy Ghost, I believe in you and I receive you into my life. He’ll come into you and by your faith confession and believe that He now lives in you, you can speak in tongues.
Don’t wait thinking the Holy Ghost will open your mouth for you. Open your mouth and pray in tongues by faith. We live by faith, we pray by faith, and we get healing by faith. You don’t have to feel healed before you can accept you are healed. From the moment you believed, you got healed. Hallelujah!
You are alive in Christ beloved, and you have overcome sicknesses, diseases and death. Believe this truth and it will become your reality. Glory to God.
By the spirit of God that lives in me I declare I am healed, restored and alive forever, in Jesus Christ’s name. Amen.
(Reality Digest was written by Apostle Panebi Wilson – Lead Pastor, Grace Reality Centre.)
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