“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,”
Matthew 5:44 NKJV
This is the divine way of life for the Christian as stipulated by Jesus. Living on earth ordinarily, is not easy how much more living with people of different backgrounds, religious beliefs and nationalities. Jesus said in this world, you will have great troubles and 99% of these troubles, will be man orchestrated which is why He ahead of time taught us how we should respond.
People will be difficult, unbearable, annoying, selfish and some would openly present themselves as your enemy.
Our opening scripture didn’t deny the fact that you would have enemies, or those who would curse you, do you evil, and spitefully use you but rather, it says you are to respond based on who you are. You are a different breed; a new creation and as such, you respond and not react. Your response should be born out of the Love of God of which you yourself are a recipient of. hallelujah!
Giving evil for evil, rendering curses for curses, and praying that your enemies should fall down and die should no longer be you. You are not of that spirit anymore. You are of the spirit of the son of man who came to save mankind and not to destroy. (Luke 9:55)
It is only the thief that comes to steal, kill and to destroy. When you give evil for evil, curses for curses and pray for your enemies to die by fire, you are showing yourself to be a thief.
You are of the order of Christ Jesus: don’t mix it with the order of other prophets of old who didn’t lead the way of love which is born out of grace. Stop mixing the law with grace as they can’t be mixed. It’s either you are of the law which produces death or of grace which produces life.
Some once said, “ Jesus didn’t give us a prayer point when praying for our enemies or for those who spitefully use us.” But He actually did. He said, bless them, love, and do good to them and pray the prayer of salvation for them.
So when you pray, you are to bless them. You are to receive grace to do good instead of evil, and to show them the love of Christ which will lead to their turning into His righteousness.
You must remember as a new creation, you have become Christ’s ambassadors and must live like He did. Jesus came to show us the love of the Father when we were yet in sin (Enemies of God) so, we in turn must show everyone the love of the father just as Jesus showed us.
Glory to God!
Thank you heavenly Father for giving me the nature of Christ. I declare I have the nature to love my neighbors as I love myself, to bless those who render curses on me, to pray for my enemies for those who spitefully use me in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
(Reality Digest was written by Apostle Panebi Wilson – Lead Pastor, Grace Reality Centre.)
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