It is important to know and be constantly reminded of the importance of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. He died to redeem the world from the power of sin and death. Living in sin is a low way of living. It’s likened to a person on white playing in the mud with pigs.
You have a higher life in Christ Jesus and this life was given to you, at the resurrection. Glory to God. This is why Jesus died. He died to redeem us from sin, it’s power and it’s effect. hallelujah!
When Jesus died, He died our death, so legally, it was us dying on that cross. When He was buried, we were buried with Him. When He arose, we arose with Him. Now He is seated on the throne, guess what? we are seated with Him. This is so amazing, what a life we now have.
Our opening scripture says, “now that you are risen with Christ, seek things which are above.” Set your affections on things that are above. Jesus, for the glory set before Him, took upon himself the path of death so that through death, He’d take the power of death from the devil so that you and I who now believe in Him, can no longer be afraid of what death can do, because we now have the power of life and of death in Christ Jesus.
Set your affections on things above: live the higher life. Go after what God longs for. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, don’t let your life consist of earthly things, for you have been brought into a heavenly lifestyle. You are seated where Christ is seated, and you reign, and rule with Him. Hallelujah!
I am seated with Christ in Heavenly places. I reign and rule with Him, I live a higher life for He is my life. I refuse to seek things which are below. I refuse to have low thoughts, and to live a life not worthy of my higher calling in Christ Jesus. Glory to God.
(Reality Digest was written by Apostle Panebi Wilson – Lead Pastor, Grace Reality Centre.)
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