The truth of the word of God is what makes free. Truth is whatever God says in His word and to you. The validity of a truth, depends wholly on its source. Is the source reliable, or dependable? can it be trusted? Jesus said He is the way, the dependable, reliable, and trustworthy truth, and He is the life. He is not just a source, He is the truth, and the life. Hallelujah!
The new creation life is founded on the truth. John 1:1 tells us that “in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.” We know the word is Jesus, and if Jesus says He is the truth, that means we are not out of place to say, “In the beginning was the truth, and the truth was with God, and the truth was God.” Praise God!
By the truth of God’s word, we are told the new creation is not born out of the will of flesh nor of the will of man, but by God. God is a spirit and He begot us by His word. The new creation is born by the word of God. What this means is, the new creation is full of life and is incredibly powerful because the word of God is quick (alive) and powerful. This is why you must refuse to be weak, sick, or afraid of death. By the word of God, you have passed from death to life, from weak to strong, from poor to rich, from sad to overflowing joy. Glory to God.
Our opening scripture says, it’s important that you are constantly reminded of these things, so you would be constantly established on the present truth concerning your life.
If you are sick in your body, remind yourself of the truth of God’s word concerning your health: You are the healed of the Lord, and the marvelously helped.
The word of God is always available and reliable but until you take a hold of it and speak it, it will not profit you. Stop saying what God hasn’t said about you. Do not claim what Christ has delt with on the cross for by your confession, you are either justified or condemned so, speak the truth of God’s word irrespective of how you feel. Many have suffered long solely because of their wrong confessions and as a result of what they feed their spirit with. Be mindful of what you watch, listen to and the company you keep as they can affect you either positively or negatively.
You are a product of the word of God, feed on it ___accept it as truth, and you will be established by it. Hallelujah!
By the truth of the word of God, I declare I am made free from the devices of the devil in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
(The Reality Digest was written by Apostle Panebi Wilson – Lead Pastor, Grace Reality Centre. Join our Online community by following us on all our social media platforms @gracerealitycentre. )